Semi-Restore – How To Restore Jailbreak 6.1.2 On iPhone 5/4S
iOS 6 Jailbreak with Evasion Jailbreak Tool has been released. You have a jailbroken device on a 6.1.2/6.1.1 firmware. What happens if you need to restore yours iPhone 5, iPhone 4S or …. ? How To Restore Jailbreak 6.1.2 On iPhone 5/4S? In most cases, unless you’re using an older device capable of being downgraded,…
Jailbreak 6.1.2 FAQ: Save SHSH Blobs With TinyUmbrella 6.12.00
Last week Apple released iOS 6.1.2 firmware to fix Exchange bug and to fix iPhone battery discharge. Also the development team has released the next version of the TinyUmbrella application, which allows you to save SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.2 locally on your computer. The application currently supports all versions of iOS 6.1, except for…