Jailbreak 7.0.5 For iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C.
Category: Jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 Developer: Evad3rs iOS 7 Team App: Evasi0n7 Version: 1.0.5 iPhone + iPad + iPod Touch: Free [Link] Apple released iOS 7.0.5 for iPhone 5S/5c. Evad3rs jailbreak team released jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 also. Firmware iOS 7.0.5 came out two and a half months after the iOS 7.0.4. This minor update that…
Jailbreak 7.0.4 – 7.0 or wait iOS 7.1.1
What? – Jailbreak 7.0.4 iOS Why? – Because … A month ago Evad3rs iOS 7 team released a new version Evasi0n7 , follow the procedure untethered for all models running iOS 7-7.0.4. As a result, you can install unofficial apps for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini. Jailbreak process with the utility Evasi0n, available…
iOS 7.0.3 Jailbreak – What Do You Need to Know And Remember.
Public iOS 7.0.3 Jailbreak For iPhone 4S, iPhone 5. Do you wait public iOS 7.0.3 Jailbreak with Evasi0n iOS 7 tool? Confirmed. Apple closed the possibility to jailbreak after the release of new iOS 7.0. Now if you have Evasion Jailbreak tool you couldn‘t make jailbreak iOS 7.0 and you have to wait for the…
Jailbreak iOS 7 – After or Before iOS 7.0.1
New iOS 7 Release date confirmed. 10-th september. Do you want Jailbreak iOS 7 for iPhone or iPhone 4S? Did you found a jailbreak tool “Jailbreak iOS 7”? Hmm. Don’t pay. read this message. Updated. You can download this wallpaper (click on the picture):
Jailbreak iOS 7 – The Whole Truth About Jailbreak iPhone 5C or iPhone 5S.
Cydia iOS 7 Evad3rs Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS 7 team confirmed that they won’t release an jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS untethered for iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S. The next major iOS 7 Evasi0n Jailbreak utility will ensue promptly after the final version of iOS 7 is made available. iOS 7 will not only bring hundreds of…
Jailbreak iOS 7.0 Apparently Achieved. Confirmed.
Jailbreak iOS 7.0 Apparently Achieved. Confirmed. Lot of iPhone 5/4S/4 with iOS 7 owners has one question: When Jailbreak iOS 7.0? When I can Jailbreak iPhone 5 on iOS 7.0? Evasi0n Jailbreak 7.0 Tool from Evad3rs will be works for both Mac and Windows, and will be considered to be one of the most reliable…
Jailbreak iOS 7.0 Download Links & Guides!!!
“Jailbreak iOS 7.0 has been released.” It’s true? Hmm. iOS 7 was previewed on June 10, 2013 during WWDC 2013, with release announced for Fall 2013. iOS 7 Beta was released to the developer and public through download links on June 10, 2013. We like Cydia Store. Last week Apple released first beta for iOS…
JAILBREAK IOS 7 : Shall We Hold Off The Jailbreak For iOS 7?
The Evad3rs Jailbreak Team created a sensation when they released their tool that allowed an untethered iOS 6.1 device to be jailbroken, opening up options on Apple’s most recent devices. This iOS 6.1 Evasi0n jailbreak took its time to be released due to development problems trying to adapt it to Apple, with their iOS system…
Jailbreak iOS 7 – How To Jailbreak iOS 7 Untethered
Q: If there are currently have any plans upon the next big release for Apple’s iOS 7. A: “yes”! We already have some parts of the exploits which could be used to Jailbreak our iDevices. We have one answer – not yet. : A downgrade iOS 7 to iOS 6.1.3 option won’t be available, too…