Apple released iOS 8 for iPhone. We like new iOS 8 with new features, but iOS 8 don’t make me feel more security vs NSA. Now experts from the Evad3rs jailbreak team confirmed that this method is technically possible listening and told how to deal with this problem.
If NSA uses exploits like the ones that we have, it may turn off the infected iPhone a special way. The screen will be blank, the device will not respond to touch. However, cell module (baseband) will be active or will be included from time to time. The owner did not even know that his iPhone is listening. (McDonald/Evad3rs)
McDonald is a member of the Evad3rs Jailbreak Team, a team of iPhone jailbrakers who created Evasi0n jailbreaks for the two previous iPhone OS like iOS 6 and iOS 7. You can download / jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from here: iOS 7 or iOS 6.
If you have security meeting, you have easy way to get your iPhone out of that state with no ill effects. You must put iPhone in DFU Mode. If you’ve successfully entered your iPhone to DFU mode, he won’t turn on when someone holds the power button, nor will it power up when the phone is plugged into a power source.
We wait iOS 8 final for jailbreak iOS 8. After them, we will make new cydia tweaks vs NSA.