Are you ready for life with Cydia tweaks? Ok. Let go. How To Change Lockscreen On iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5. You can see new iOS 8 lockscreen on jailbroken iPhone. 🙂 If you have jailbroken iPhone you can allows you to use your own iOS 8 lockscreen. You can shake the device to show forecast. Also settings to enable forecast without shake. You can change colors oftext. All colors available. It’s very cool iOS 9 lockscreen. This cydia tweak runs stable on a jailbroken iPhone 5s to get an appropriately pretty iOS 9 lockscreen and but still some manual work is necessary. miWeather, who also wrote this terrific NextGenUI Theme for iOS 8 is available for download in Cydia IOS 8.1 Store.

This beautiful iOS 8 Lockscreen named miWeather 8 for GroovyLock is a simple lockscreen that gives you weather details on your iOS 8 lockscreen. It also has a few other options such as changing the color of all text. Even clock and date. This lockscreen will work on iOS8. Will fit devices 5, 5s, 6, and 6 plus.