How to install MacOS Sierra on Mac + Guide + Video

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How to install MacOS Sierra on Mac + Guide + Video. Today is a big day. Apple announced MacOS Sierra Download links for allwho want install lates MacOS Sierra version on their Macs. It’s very nice, because lots of Mac owners want try new features and specs on new OS X.

If you are one of mac owners, you can see this complete guide about How To Install MacOS Sierra on Mac.

1. Download MacOS Sierra  via torrent or dirrent links, open the .dmg

2. Right-click the .app – “Show Package Contents”

3. Open (mount) InstallESD.dmg, located along the path of “Install …app / Contents / SharedSupport /”

4. From the contents of the OS X Install ESD open (mount) BaseSystem.dmg (default BaseSystem.dmg Basesystem.chunklist and hidden. Use the utility “ShowAllFiles”).

5. Run Disk Utility and expand BaseSystem.dmg on the flash drive formatted GUID (the “Options”) and Mac OS coffee (HFS +)

6. Copy the folder OS X Install ESD / Packages folder on the flash drive in the / System / Installation / replacing the file alias Packages.

6. Copy to the root of the stick and BaseSystem.dmg Basesystem.chunklist of Install ESD

If you do not – get an error Undefined error: 0 at the very beginning of the installation!

7. Backup

8. Reboot while holding down Alt. Choosing our stick. If necessary, after Disk Utility to erase partitions. We put the system.

9. Now you can install macOS Sierra on your Macs.

We know that every year Apple announced their products on June, but official release date – September. Why? I think that general reason of such situation – Apple want to release their OS X without bags and errors. Ok. Now you can try new MacOS Sierra features on your Mac.