How to remove default icons from iPhone Home Screen or iPad without jailbreak?

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How to remove default icons from iPhone Home Screen or iPad without jailbreak? We wait 10 years. iOS 10 has such feature. Done. The new operating system, presented on 13 June, an opportunity to remove the standard applications. Now, if necessary, the user can put the icons in the navigation mode, and remove them from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. This applies to all full-time applications, including Mail, Calendar, Music, Maps, Weather, Contacts, the FaceTime, video and others.

 How users will be able to return to such programs? Quite simply, now all brand development by Apple available in the App Store and downloaded in the usual way.

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Thus, the company killed two birds with one stone: to allow users to delete unnecessary programs and had the opportunity to update any separately own software for the iPhone and iPad. In iOS 9 to update the same calendar or the iBooks, the company has to release updates for all operating systems.

It’s very nice news.