“I arrived at the end, gave ideas that pushed them to their maximum, I kinda unblocked the situation, but it would certainly have happened without me helping.”

A noble admission considering out of all the developers on the newly formed Evad3rs team, he is the one who has amassed the largest group of followers.

I asked him what role he has played in the upcoming iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5. Here is what he said.

“Now I am helping as much as I can in terms of communication, websites, and also development, but I was not involved the same way as previous, focused on my work and all… Yes, in order @planetbeing, @pimskeks, then me.”

At this point I am unsure of what role @MuscleNerd plays though rest assured it is an important one. As @pod2g revealed in an earlier interview with iDownloadBlog’s Sebastien Page, @MuscleNerd was a key contributor to the iOS 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 jailbreaks released in the previous year. So yet again, here is a figure it seems did not receive the credit due him for the work he has done on the most recent jailbreaks.

For now though, @pod2g really wants you to know that @pimskeks and @planetbeing are the two who should be recognized as it was their effort which brought the iOS 6, 6.1 jailbreak to where it is today — nearly ready for release!

When discussing the modesty of @planetbeing, Cyril reiterated to me once more that it is he, along with Nikias, aka @pimskeks, that iOS 6, 6.1 jailbreak for iPhone 5/4S hopefuls need to keep in the forefront.

“He [planetbeing] is completely the man on that particular jailbreak. It is his work, like it was mine on previous 2 / 3 ones.”

Good to see credit given where it is due, eh? Still, regardless of his selfless admission, I imagine he’s played a larger role than he lets on. After all, we’ve been in deadlock for months, and he has one week on the job and things are just about wrapped up.