iOS 10 Errors, Bugs, Impressions, How To Fix It.


iOS 10 Errors, Bugs, How To Fix It. We know that Apple has been released new iOS 10 download links for all who want to install. If you don’t have developer account, you can install iOS 10 betas also via such complete tutorials.

1. Why does my iOS 10 betas battery die so fast? 

The point is that there is indexing of all albums with face detection
auto video and album. So the your iPhone or iPad running on iOS 10 beta
battery goes in front, then everything will fall into place, and
works tolerably well. It’s normal for first time after installing. 

2. Hands-free mode error on iPhone 5

Found a nasty bug in the iPhone 5s running on iOS 10 beta 1, during a call, if you switch to hands-free mode, the sound disappears. No you can not hear the interlocutor, neither he you.

3. iOS 10 on iPhone 5 very very slow…

One way – downgrade iOS 10 to iOS 9.3.x and wait second beta or final version of iOS 10.

4. iOS 10 on iPhone 6. Overall experience – not very, but it’s Beta 1.

When you open the multitasking desktop rides, photos lag terribly, notifications do not always come (using WhatsUp), it proposes Facebook and some applications take off.