So. Today we want to tell you some things about iOS 10 wishlist. You can see iOS 10 most wanted features. If Apple is to remain faithful to the traditions, following presentation of the company will be dedicated to software updates and operating systems, including iOS 10.
Today we can not even guess what new features will appear in the next version of iOS, which is likely to be named iOS 10, and many of our readers often say that companies should not work on new features and stability of the system. Nevertheless, there are a few features that many would be happy to see in the next version of the mobile operating system from Apple.
One of the general iOS 10 wishlist and most wanted feature is the ability to clear all notifications via one click. Very often in the Notification Center is going to a huge amount of useless messages. Particularly relevant this problem for iPad owners who can not take a few days of your device in your hand. My iPad collects a huge number of notifications in a few days, and it would be great to be able to remove them by one button, rather than deleting the notification for each day separately.
Don’t forget read more about iOS 10 download links, release date and features.