Jailbreak 6.1.3 iPhone 4S Untethered. Video. Confirmed.

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How To Jailbreak 6.1.3 for iPhone 4S!!! See this confirmed video.  Many people have asked when will be released Jailbreak 6.1.3 untethered for iPhone 4S or iPhone 5.

IOS developer Winocm released new jailbreak method for Jailbreak 6.1.3 on iPhone 4s and iPhone 4. It’s not official release, but jb coming. You can see this video:

Coming soon. Freedom with Cydia 6.1.3 coming soon. 

Update: At the moment we are testing this method and as soon as it is ready for the official release, we will immediately notify you. You can download it for free. Do not buy from fakers. Wait.