Jailbreak 7.1.1 download links available for iPhone.

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Jailbreak 7.1.1 available for download. You can download/install jailbreak 7.1.1 utility for Windows. You can read the instruction with complete guide “How to jailbreak iOS 7.1.1”. Don’t forget – it’s unofficial Geeksn0w jailbreak utility from jailbreak developer. It’s tethered way for jailbreak iPhone 4 running on iOS 7.1.1. if you want see last information about jailbreak 7.1.1 for iPhone 5S, 5c, 5, 4S or iPad models – read here.

Updated. Jailbreak 7.1.1 for iPhone 5S- iPhone 4/ iPad Air – iPad 2 – here.!!!

1) Download and install the following software : Microsoft. Net FrameWork, Java RE 7 and Java JDK Tool x86 ( 32 bit) , even if you have installed 64-bit Windows

2) Download GeekSn0w v2.8.3

3) Turn off your antivirus and firewall, otherwise the system will delete the files needed for the process .

4) Open GeekSn0w and click Jailbreak, choose the model of the device and turn your iPhone into a mode DFU. Model your iPhone you can see here – http://support.apple.com/kb/ht3939

5) Press the Jailbreak button

6) Wait until the process ssh_rd tool, if the process is successfully completed , you will see a green sign which notifies about the success of the operation

7) The device reboots and goes into recovery mode

8) Wait for the system files and will mount the boot process Jailbreak

9) Once the process is complete, you will see that your iPhone is in recovery mode

10) Wait until GeekSn0w introduce the iPhone in DFU mode and load it through the utility OpenSn0w (It takes a while)

11) You see what many call “The Matrix Screen” – matrix screen .

12 ) Re-enter the device mode DFU.

13) Now when the device is turned on, you will see shop Cydia .

14) You should let Cydia download all the necessary files and settings before it becomes functional.

15) Done!