Updated. Jailbreak 8.1.3 TaiG: TaiG developers group released a Jailbreak 8.1.3 that works on versions of iOS 8.1.3 and iOS 8.2. It checked independent testers, everything works fine, so that the program is suitable for a mass audience. Jailbreak 8.1.3 installation way is extremely easy.
You only need to connect a compatible (supported) iOS-device to a PC Windows, or to the “Mac” with a virtual machine, which runs Windows. Unfortunately, we do not know official Jailbreak 8.1.3 release date, maybe we need wait for her after the release of the new Jailbreak 8.2.
Jailbreak 8.1.3 supported devices:
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 5s
iPhone 5c
iPhone 5
iPhone 4s
iPad (2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, mini one, mini 2, mini 3)
iPod touch 5
TaiG Jailbreak Team – we known this guys, they participated in the development of the first jailbreak for iOS 7 (from Evad3rs) and iOS 8.1 (TaiGJBReak)