Jailbreak 8.2 Untethered. What’s new?

Jailbreak 8.2 iPhone 6, iPhone 5S/5, iPhone 4S + iPad Air 2/1, Mini 3/2. What’s new in Jailbreak 8.2? New version has been released by Apple with new features for iPhone and Apple Watch. iOS 8.2 will be a major innovation, it fixes some bugs of the previous version of the OS 8.1.2.

After the release of beta version of iOS 8.2 Taig Jailbreak Team, Pangu and some members of Evad3rs Team have learned especially for firmware fixes for vulnerabilities needed to create a Jailbreak 8.2 iOS. As it turned out, the patch iOS 8.2 may adversely affect the prospects for the emergence of Jailbreak 8.2 iOS, one of the jailbreakers called this upgrade «unjailbreakable».

Jailbreak teams are currently being assessed for the need to create a Jailbreak iOS 8.2. If jailbreakers will see that the work on the program will take longer than one month, they will not release the Jailbreak 8.2 iOS, they will wait for the final version of iOS 9, which will appear in September.