Jailbreak 8.3 untethered features and specifications.


Jailbreak 8.3, 8.4 features. Apple released iOS 8.3 – 8.4. Are you ready for download Jailbreak 8.3 – 8.4 utility? What changes have been made in this update is still unknown, but the owners of jailbroken devices should refrain from installing it because jailbreak could fly.

Two previous beta version of iOS 8.3 came out in February. They add Apple devices several new iOS 8.3 features, including support CarPlay, two-factor authentication Google login, as well as new icons and emoticons.

New features in iOS 8.3 beta 3 are relevant to iMessage: an opportunity to send complaints to spammers, and correspondence with contacts from the phonebook is now stored separately from other messages. Furthermore, this application contains apdeyte with Apple Watch.

We don’t have information about Jailbreak 8.3 features and release date. If you like Cydia Store, you must stay on jailbroken 8.1.3 (or you can make Jailbreak 8.1.3 on your unupdated iPhone or iPad).