Again. Jailbreak iOS 10 download links for dummies spreads on the web. No Computer, No Apple ID, Untethered. “Wait 5 min and you can see Cydia iOS 10 on yours iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. It’s best solution from jailbreak creators.”
Every year we received lots messages via twitter or facebook with similar text. Last weeks we received new messages. For example: “I bought your Jailbreak iOS 10 but not working, Hepl pls” or “Paid $40 for your jailbreak for iOS 10 and every time I try to restore to iSO 9.3.5 i get this help” or “I download your Jailbreak iOS 10 via In-App links, but can’t install jailbreak, help”. This people wrote “your”. Why?
Let me explain everything…
We know that on Youtube we can find lots videos with more than a 100K views on YouTube named “Jailbreak iOS 10 Tutorials 4K” or “Pangu iOS 10 Tutorial”, but all such videos are fake and scam. If you download apps from download links which we can see in description, you must understand that all links have in-app modules -> before you download fake Jailbreak iOS 10, you must watch advertising or install iPhone app. You must understand that this method is fake. All official Pangu, PP Jailbreak, TaiG download links have direct links without in-app modules. You can take donate, but after jailbreak.
We posted special videos on Youtube for all who want to find Jailbreak iOS 10 on Youtube. You can see confirmed download links in descriptions. Don’t forget that Youtube isn’t the best place to find such information because about 90% videos with Jailbreak iOS 10 links are fake and scam.
You can always check your device to the possibility of jailbreak here > PP Jailbreak Download or Pangu Jailbreak Download.