Jailbreak iOS 7 – The Whole Truth About Jailbreak iPhone 5C or iPhone 5S.

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Cydia iOS 7

Evad3rs Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS 7 team confirmed that they won’t release an jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS untethered for iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S. The next major iOS 7 Evasi0n Jailbreak utility will ensue promptly after the final version of iOS 7 is made available. iOS 7 will not only bring hundreds of new features (the prominent ones are outlined in our in-depth article on the topic), but it will also be released alongside iPhone 5S, iPhone 5S, iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2.

iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C will be released this fall. We think that although the iOS 7 Tweaks developers choice to wait new iOS 7 Jailbreak for iPhone 5, 4S or new iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S appears to be the right one, we’re curious to hear what you, evad3rs.net readers, think.  What do you think about Apple’s iOS 7 update in general? Do you wait new iOS 7 Jailbreak?