How To Choose Best iOS 13 Jailbreak Tools – Chimera, Electra and Unc0ver?
There are three major iOS 12 jailbreak tools: Chimera, Electra and Unc0ver. Apple recently released a new iOS 13. It is very important for us to understand which utility to choose to Jailbreak iOS 13. Ok. let’s go,bro. How To Choose Best iOS 13 Jailbreak Tools! Electra Jailbreak supports all devices with iOS 11.0-11.4.1. It…
Anyway the Jailbreak is dead ?
Next generation iOS 13 Jailbreak will not be available to everyone. If you find iOS 13 Jailbreak download links – check it for performance. Unfortunately, not all iPhones have the ability to jailbreak, so each device has its own jailbreak version. iOS 13 jailbreak also. Before Jailbreak, you should definitely check your iPhone or…
iOS 13.1 is Jailbroken.
Apple’s iOS 13.1 is jailbroken. If you’re interested in jailbreaking, you’ve probably heard of Luke Todesco and his jailbreaking abilities. Luca shared a video showing a jailbreak iPhone X with 8 beta version of iOS 13. In response to questions Todesco explained that the bug allows for remote retrieval code, you can edit it, etc.…
NO Jailbreak iOS 13. Please don’t download fake Jailbreak iOS 13 tools
iOS device users are looking forward to the release of the Jailbreak iOS 13 utility. There were scammers took advantage of this moment and created many sites where you can install a utility for jailbreak. As expected, the site is fake, and jailbreak as a result, iPhone and iPad users do not get. Attention! I…
You can jailbreak iOS 12.4, but not iOS 12.4.1.
Can I Jailbreak iOS 12.4.1? No. You can jailbreak iOS 12.4, but not iOS 12.4.1. Apple in update 12.4.1 fixed the iOS security bug, which allowed to install on the iPhone with the latest version of the operating system jailbreak program with access to system privileges in the kernel. On the official website of the…
Is There Any Jailbreak For iOS 12.4? Yes.
Previously, jailbreak was used to add more features to the iPhone. But over time, Apple has expanded the capabilities of smartphones, so the need to hack the system disappeared. So hackers have less to try to seek ways to implement in iOS, and was often able to break outdated versions. For the first time in…
iOS 13 Jailbreak. I dig it the most.
Today I want to tell you more about new iOS 13 jailbreak. We constantly receive letters to the office with a request to tell us about our opinion about jailbreak and next generation of Chinese iOS 13 Jailbreak. I want to remind you that we are from China, so we look at some products differently.…
How To Jailbreak iOS 12.1
How To Jailbreak iOS 12.1, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.0.2 If you are a iPhone or iPad owner who have cool device running on iOS 12 including iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.1 or iOS 12.2, you can have dreams about Jailbreak. We know that Jailbreak iOS 12 has big future. Some jailbreak creators confirmed that they have…
How To Jailbreak iOS 11.1, iOS 11.1.2, iOS 11.1
How To Jailbreak iOS 11, iOS 11.1, iOS 11.1.2. Updated. How To Jailbreak iPhone X running on iOS 11. LiberiOS is cool iOS 11.1 Jailbreak iOS 11.1.2 oftware version. This tool can also jailbreak new iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. It’s very cool news. It is the first official jailbreak for all…
LiberiOS Jailbreak iOS 11 incl. iOS 11.1
LiberiOS Jailbreak iOS 11 incl. iOS 11.1 Jailbreak. It looks like the long-anticipated Cydia for iOS 11 may be released soon, however, there is a catch. Cydia for iOS 11 won’t be released by saurik. It looks like coolstar, the developer of Electra Jailbreak, is preparing to release Cydia for iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2.…
Electra Jailbreak iOS 11 – How To Jailbreak iPhone, iPad
Electra Jailbreak iOS 11 has been released for all iOS 11 supported devices. If you like Cydia Tweaks and want to install last version updates, you can do it now for free. Electra Jailbreak iOS 11 is one of the famuos utility in 2018. Electra Jailbreak Support Compatibility List: iOS Version: iOS 11, iOS 11.0.1,…
It’s a new Jailbreak iOS 11
Today we want to tell you more about new Jailbreak iOS 11. We know that millions iPhone owners want to make Jailbreak iOS 11 via one general reason: they want to download and install not only official Apps, but unofficial tweaks and games. Apple closed all vulnerabilities but jailbreak creators want to more. It’s a…
Jailbreak 10.3.2 download links has been released.
Jailbreak 10.3.2 download links has been released. Jailbreak iOS 10.3.2 supported devices: iPhone 7 Plus , iPhone 7, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad Air. Today you can Jailbreak 10.3.2 and install Cydia Tweaks. It’s for free. It’s free gift from Pangu Jailbreak…
Can iOS 11 be jailbroken?
Can iOS 11 be jailbroken? Is it safe to Jailbreak your iPhone? It’s most popular question for all who want to install new iOS 11. We know that Apple seeds their new update for all iOS 11 supported devices incl. iPhone 7 and iPad Pro. today we want to tell you more about jailbreak iOS…
Pangu – Jailbreak iOS 10 is the most difficult jailbreak in history.
Today we have not good news for all who wait Jailbreak iOS 10 on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Our friend in chinese hackers community confirmed information that Jailbreak iOS 10 is the most difficult jailbreak in history. Not like iOS 9 or iOS 8. Lots of non-jailbroken iOS 10 owners want to know when…