iOS 13 Jailbreak. I dig it the most.

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Today I want to tell you more about new iOS 13 jailbreak. We constantly receive letters to the office with a request to tell us about our opinion about jailbreak and next generation of Chinese iOS 13 Jailbreak. I want to remind you that we are from China, so we look at some products differently. 🙂

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The Apple is preparing for all of us its new product – a new iOS 13. We have noticed that every year Apple has been trying to protect its products from jailbreaking more and more. What for? I think new iOS 13 will be released for all who want to install new apps and games, there is one reason why I do not want to install new iOS 13. The new iOS 13 does not support the ability to jailbreak. Yes. Apple does not allow iOS 13 jailbreak. Why?

I bought an iPhone and I want to jailbreak it. I have the right to do what I want with my new iPhone running on iOS 12, iOS 11 or iOS 13. I want to install on the iPhone all that I want. I am forced to establish what I do not want. When buying a new iPhone, I do not want to have about 60% of the apps that are installed there and I want to remove them. This I can do only when I make jailbreak.

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The new iOS 13 will have many additional functions, but I do not want to have them. I like the design of the new iPhone, I like how fast it works, I like how long the battery holds, but I don’t like many of iOS 13 apps that are installed there. Only iOS 13 jailbreak allows me to delete everything that I want. Only jailbreaking gives me the opportunity to turn off all the functions of the iPhone, which I do not want to use.

Don’t forget read: iOS 13 Release date

To be continued …