LeSee Electric Car via LeEco. Made In China.

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Lesee car price? How much LeSee cars? We know that it’s Made in China. Yep. The star of the Beijing Auto Show isn’t a Range Rover, Volkswagen, Porsche, or a Mercedes. It’s something most people have never heard of before: the LeSee, a car via LeEco.

You might be thinking, “so what?”. Jia Yuetin, owner of the corporation LeTV (Now renamed LeEco), and one of the leaders of its automotive department Lei Ding recently claimed that their efforts will be directed immediately to the four electromobility project.


The first – the American affiliate startup Faraday Future, already showed the concept FFZero1, the second – the production version of the model Aston Martin RapidE, which the Chinese will help to create the British. The third was quite spectacular-looking electric car LeSEE, completely created in the depths of LeEco. The fourth – a Californian startup Atieva, company finances and his.


We say “went hands-on”, the truth being we simply couldn’t get near the LeSee, because every time we went to look at it, we had to battle through crowds 10-deep — which tells you all you need to know about how interested the Chinese are in this car. They’re interested because it comes from a company that over the past few years has become a massive player in the electronics and media sector in China, rivalling the likes of Xiaomi, in a bid to become the “Chinese Apple”.