Mark Zuckerberg and His Girlfriend Go On A Dating Vacation in Shanghai

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This afternoon, some Chinese paparazzi spotted Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his Chinese fiancée in Shanghai, so Mark Zuckerberg has came back to China again! Holiday tour or business trip ? According to inside rumor, Mark Zuckerberg and Apple CEO Tim Cook (yeah ! Cook is also in China !) have flown together with a private jet on their trip to China.

UPDATE 3: Mark Zuckerberg has left China, he went to Tokyo to meet Japan’s prime minister. UPDATE 2: A manager from PopCap, the famous mobile game company which has branch in China, has spotted Mark Zuckerberg at Beijing during his lunch time. Priscilla Chan is not with him. So is Zuckerberg dealing some business over there ?

From witness, Mark Zuckerberg and his girlfriend have visited several shopping districts, including the famous renovated residential area Tianzifang, and Apple Store at Nanjing road. And guess what, Zuckerberg even bought a Smart Cover from the Apple Store ! Well, so far it looks like the CEO of Facebook is having some good times with his girlfriend touring around the city of Shanghai (seems like Zuckerberg is not enjoying… ). And thanks to all the Chinese micro-blog users from Sina Weibo who have captured all the snaps ! Some passersby has recognized the CEO and tried to approach for a conversation, however, the behavior of these enthusiastic has been block away by 6 bodyguards which accompanied Zuckerberg in secret. It should be noted that Zuckerberg won’t be able to update his Facebook account during his stay in Shanghai, thanks to the Great Firewall of China… unless he’s using a VPN.

In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg was spotted at the headquarters of China’s top Internet companies such as Baidu, Sina and Alibaba. Maybe Zuckerberg could once again meet up with them at Shanghai. Facebook has announced plans for an IPO and the filing has mention several times on the potential of China market. Facebook has global ambitions and the company has been very keen to get into China for some time, yet it is still blocked inside China. Facebook has also been recruiting talent from China top universities and IT industry, providing very attractive offering. The company has already filing more then 60 trademark applications on the Facebook name in China to avoid future disputes. At the moment there seems to be no possible way in the short to medium term that China will open up to Facebook, but of course there are no restrictions for Zuckerberg to visit China personally.