Samsung Note 7 – Prohibited and Restricted Baggage items.

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Samsung Note 7 – Prohibited and Restricted Baggage items. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Manufacture of stopped, dealers were instructed to discontinue the sale and exchange of smartphones.

As it became known, the company started to send the owners of gadgets fireproof box with gloves and a package to return to the smartphone. Next time – Prohibited and Restricted Baggage items. Today we can see last updates about Samsung Note 7 history. If you like your Samsung Note 7, you must understand that his products added in prohibited and restricted baggage items list. It is noteworthy that even properly packed smart phones is prohibited to carry on the plane.

Of course, the organization of the return of smart phones – a major headache for Samsung and a new item of expenditure. Note that, according to analysts, recycling Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will spend about $ 1.4 billion. And the damage caused by the withdrawal devices is estimated at $ 17 billion.