The Most Authentic Angry Birds Arcade Booth Yet

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Remember the Angry Birds game booth that we had spotted in Guangzhou China? Maybe that is not exciting enough. We are going to introduce you another real-life, giant-size Angry Birds arcade booth.

The game booth can be found in a Chinese theme park which is located at Changsha, the capital city of Hunan, in south-central China. However, the game is not authorized by Rovio though. More pics after the break.

Unlicensed Real-Life Angry BirdUnlicensed Angry Bird Theme Park
The booth allows visitors to experience giant slingshot between to launch birds at green pig’s ballons between the toy bricks.

Unlicensed Real-Life Angry Bird
People who experienced the booth found this game has efficiently aided metanlly and physical relaxing.

Unlicensed Real-Life Angry Bird
Unlicensed Real-Life Angry BirdUnlicensed Real-Life Angry BirdUnlicensed Real-Life Angry Bird

Unlicensed Real-Life Angry Bird

So do anyone of you want a pay a visit to this Chinese theme park in Hunan and have some fun with this Giant-size Angry birds game booth ?