Cydia iOS 6, 6.1, 6.x Complete Guide

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Cydia iOS 6, 6.1, 6.x Complete Guide

Cydia structure

In case you have already got Cydia, you’ll need to know what’s inside
it. Once you open Cydia, you’ll find 5 tabs, here’s everything you need
to know:

Home – You can find here some applications sponsored, more Sources FAQ, account information and some important settings:

Sections – In this tab, you can see all apps divided
into categories. You should just go in the category you need and look
up for your tweak:

Changes – All updates and newly added programs can be found here. This tab is updated every time you open Cydia:


1) Allows you manage Cydia, remove programs:

2) add sources and repositories and

3) have access to all storage.

Search – That’s the tab where you can search for a tweak – only if you got the name.

What is Cydia?

Cydia is a third-party, independent installer application for iPhone,
iPad and iPod touch. Cydia is developed by Jay Freeman (Saurik) and it’s
actually much similar to Apple’s app store. Cydia allows you to
download tons of tweaks & utilities that you’ll need to make the
best out of your iOS device. Cydia brings you many applications that can
be downloaded either for free or for a small amount of money.

Why Cydia?

Because Cydia offers you what Apple doesn’t. For example, Apple doesn’t
give you the ability to change themes of your iPhone. Every smartphone
owner would always like to change his mobile theme. On Cydia, you can
install a tweak called “Winterboard” which allows you to download and
install themes on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Is Cydia safe?

Cydia is not 100% safe since almost every jailbreak app is approved on
Cydia. This increases the chance of malicious apps getting through too.
You should only download apps & tweaks from trusted repositories.

Repositories like ModMyi and BigBoss are the safest ones.