Cydia iOS 9 Tweaks – Most Popular for iPhone, iPad , iPod Touch.

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Why Cydia iOS 9 Tweaks? Jailbreak is most popular utility for all iOS 9 devices incl. iPhone 6S, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 and more. If you have one or more jailbroken devices you can install last updates for your iOS 9 Cydia Tweaks.

If you want to try out all the new features and technologies, it is not
necessary to spend $700 to buy a new iPhone 6S. If you are not afraid of
difficulties, feel free to jailbreak and install your favorite tweaks.
But remember, all the action with your device you are at your own risk.


Activator allows you to use the buttons iPhone and iPad, as well as all sorts of gestures and commands (triple-click or hold the button Home, gesture swipe from the corner of the screen, a short tap on the system prompt, and many others) to perform a variety of actions on the device, from the start applications or extensions, finishing lock screen, reboot the device.

Live Photo Enabler

Name of this extension, you
probably already guessed its purpose. It is an activator of live
pictures for iPhone iPhone 6s previous generations. With the
installation tweak your shot will be available Live Photo. We save money
and swing in


If you like with the power to put pressure on the display of their Apple Watch for calling certain functions, and now you and do not imagine my life without it, do not rush to buy the iPhone 6s. Try out some possibilities of the technology will be able to almost everyone. The well-known developer of software for devices with jailbreak tweak released Elias Limneos Forcy, which carries «3D Touch» to any Apple-device.


This Cydia iOS 9 Tweaks is also intended to implement some features of iPhone 6s on the devices of previous generations. But it was released earlier than Forcy, and therefore has a similar, but less functionality. RevealMenu provides access to the context menu of the application over the long clicking on the icon. Download it in the repository


Another tweak that simulates 3D Touch work on devices running iOS 9. This extension brings the full implementation of the user interface iPhone 6s, allowing you to make previously inaccessible action. It’s all in the software processing technique touches the screen that simulates the most realistic results from the reinforced keystrokes, including function Peek and Pop. Download the repository, you can tweak the link absolutely free.


Hapticle mimics the tactile response, similar to that of Taptic Engine. Cycling vibration motor built into the iPhone, expansion responds to the touch of light vibration. Excellent paired with one of the above tweaks. Available in the repository repo.fortysixandtwo. Unfortunately, iPad and iPod are supported.


Jailbreak Medusa extension allows you to transfer all the multitasking capabilities iPad on officially unsupported devices. Benefits multiscreen mode flagship tablet become available in other models – the old iPad, such as the first iPad Air, iPad mini 3 and even iPad 2/3/4 and iPad mini first and second generation. Moreover, these tweaks this feature can also be used on the iPhone. Last Jailbreak iOS 9 means that now use the application in multi-mode and watch mode “picture in picture” is possible on smartphones. Supports even mode Slide Over. Download Medusa in the repository can be


UntetheredHeySiri the developer implements Hamza Court in iOS function 9 “always active Siri». As a result, appeal to the voice assistant at any time – just to say “Hello, Siri». To the virtual assistant has always been willing to carry the team, even if the iPhone or iPad is in the locked position, just install this tweak. “Chip” is that Siri will be in constant standby, so to the gadget you can not even touch with his hands.


Tweek SwipeSelection is accurate implementation of the concept of designer Daniel Hooper and still works on the iPhone and the iPad. The artist has developed a special technique of fast work with text in iOS – a special set of gestures performed on top of the screen keyboard. Move a finger on the left virtual button rearranges the cursor movement with two fingers – it moves faster. If you start to gesture with the Shift or BackSpace, the selection will be made. Similarly, we edit the text on the desktop.

Speed ​​Intensifier

Software limitations, animation and other “decorations» iOS 9 adversely affect the performance of iPhone and iPad. The easiest way to solve the problem – use Speed ​​Intensifier. Tweek improves the efficiency of the operating system, to make it as quick and productive. Speed ​​Intensifier the easiest way to speed up the iPhone and iPad by animation controls. As a result, the device visually begin to work faster.


The extension adds more information by clicking on the icons of applications. So you can find out the weather on the day of holding a simple icon “Weather” or restart the gadget, holding the icon settings. A very handy feature, migrated from iPhone 6s. We swing in


The emergence of another 9 Spotlight in iOS using gesture swipe left from the home screen caused many cognitive dissonance. This tweak allows you to disable one of the two Spotlight, or all at once. Repository to load standard – BigBoss.