Grooveshark Mobile For iPhone Running on iOS 7.

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Evad3rs jailbreak team released new evasi0n7 for jb iOS 7.1, 7.0.4 – 7.0. Did you jailbreak? Yes. Lots of non-jailbroken users have one big question: Why Jailbreak iOS 7 – 7.0.4? We have some reasons. One of them – Grooveshark Mobile. It’s Cydia tweak for install Grooveshark App on your jailbroken iOS 7 device.

Subscribe to Grooveshark Anywhere for $9 a month — sign-up easily from inside the app. 

Grooveshark Mobile iPhone App connects you to the world’s music library. You can found and play millions of songs, and access your favorites and saved playlists with your Grooveshark account. 

For unlimited access beyond the trial period, go to Grooveshark Mobile for iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, 4 and sign up for $9 a month.