Jailbreak 8.1.1 iOS Untethered + Cydia Store


Jailbreak 8.1.1 iOS download links spread on the web. You can find Pangu8 Jailbreak 8.1.1 iOS  torrent files for free. But, we know that Pangu jailbreak team didn’t seed new update for Jailbreak 8.1.1 iOS + Cydia Store. If you like Cydia tweaks on iOS 8.1- it’s the best way for install cydia tweaks on your iPhone or iPad running on last iOS 8.1.1 – stay on iOS 8.1. Don’t forget, that it’s free utility. Pangu8 works perfect on all iOS 8 confirmed devices

Updated 3: Jailbreak 8.1.1 released. You can jailbreak 8.1.1 via TaiG JB Utility.

Updated 2: All Jailbreak 8.1.1 download links are scam. Don’t download.

Updated 1: Apple seeds iOS 8.1.1. Jailbreak 8.1.1 not yet.

Apple has released a final-version of iOS 8.1.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The platform came four weeks after the release iOS 8.1 and contains fixes for many bugs present in the system.

Furthermore, according to Apple, the company’s developers were able to improve the stability of the OS and its compatibility with the iPad 2 and iPhone 4s (!!!).

At the same time, global changes of the new version of iOS is not worth waiting: the most significant addition (eg, optimization of Maps) will be implemented in later update» iOS 8.

Recall that the output of iOS 8.1, containing some share of mistakes, still managed to turn the tide with the update to the latest version of the mobile platform from Apple, thanks to the presence of important new products” – for example, Apple Pay. After a long lull, and waiting, users started to install the new iOS 8.1 on your gadgets and brought the total share of smartphones and tablets on iOS 8 to 52%.