Jailbreak 8.1.1 Untethered via Pangu8. What’s new.


Jailbreak 8.1.1 Pangu8 version for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. iOS 8.1.1 was released with new features and till today there isn’t any jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 released for all devices. Despite of clear warning not to upgrade jailbroken devices if you rely on Jailbreak 8.1.1 still many users have ended up updating their iPhones to iOS 8.1.1. Some home pages say that they have already covered guide to downgrade iOS 8.1.1 to iOS 8.1.

Unfortunately for all iOS 8.1.1 users there isn’t guide to upgrade to iOS 8.1 without updating however you won’t be able to jailbreak until ios 8.1.1 jailbreak tools are released. If you are iOS 8.1 user and accidentally upgraded to iOS 8.1.1 then here isn’t ways to let you to downgrade iOS 8.1.1.

Please keep in mind Pangu8 only works if you have iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running on iOS 8.1.

Don’t forget read more about new IOS 8.x update here.