Jailbreak 8.1 Utility + Tutorials.

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Jailbreak 8.1 iOS for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus + iPhone 5S – iPhone 4S and iPads. Pangu Team seeds Jailbreak 8.1 iOS for all iOS 8 confirmed
devices. We understand that new iOS 8.1 without jailbreak is like life
without s.x. 🙂 It’s true.

Pangu jailbreak team confirmed information that new jailbreak 8.1 iOS utility will be released only after official iOS 8.1 release date. If you have iOS 8.1 version, you must understand that you can make jailbreak. Today you can install jailbreak iOS 8.1!!!

Update 7: Jailbreak 8.1.1 utility TaiGJBreak download links here

Update 6: Jailbreak 8.1 utility Mac version has been released. How To Download / install read here.

Update 5: Jailbreak 8.1 mac release date – 9-th November.

Update 4:Jailbreak 8.1.1 via Pangu8 last version not yet. Only Jailbreak 8.1.

Jailbreak 8.1 UPDATE 3: Jailbreak 8.1 Mac Version – not yet.

Jailbreak 8.1 UPDATE 2:
!!!!! If you already jailbroken via Pangu8 1.0 and installed Cydia
-Just update Cydia inside Cydia Store. No need to rejailbreak. But, we recommend – restore + rejailbreak via new Pangu8 1.1

Jailbreak 8.1 UPDATE 1:  Pangu has been released new Pangu8 1.0 for Windows

You can find some links named jailbreak 8.1, but you must download such links only on confirmed sites like us, because we always testing all links before releasing.

Complete guide: Jailbreak + install Cydia 8.1

iOS 8.1 Jailbreak supported devices: here

All confirmed jailbreak links you can see here.