Download iOS 10 beta + Install via OTA iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.

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Download iOS 10.1 beta 1. You can be installed right
now using either the over-the-air (OTA) update mechanism found on-device
in Settings > General > Software Update, or via our simple guide “How to install iOS 10 Beta without developer account“.

As for what’s new in this release, we are in the process of installing
it on our devices right now and will update accordingly once we find any
new changes worthy of reporting. Don’t forget that it’s iOS 10.1 beta 1. Apple seeds their new update near iPhone 7 release date in September. We know that Apple will be released iPhone 7 next countries way with new iOS 10.0.1.

We know that iOS 10.1 beta 1 isn’t available as yet to public beta testers. If you have account in Apple Beta Software Program, you can try now. You must download iOS 10 from Apple Beta Software Program.