Here is iOS 13 Beta Timeline

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Here you can find iOS 13 Beta Timeline. Each year, Apple brings together developers to show all their new developments for the current year. We know that at such WWDC 2019 conferences, Apple shows its new iOS 13.

Many owners of iPhones want to install new iOS 13 immediately after release. Despite the fact that the new iOS 13 has many errors, it does not frighten the owners and does not repel them from installing the new iOS 13. This year, Apple is holding a WWDC 2019 conference on July 3 in San Jose.

Since the company releases its new iOS 13 immediately for users from all over the world, I suggest you add this post to your bookmarks. Here you will see the exact time of the start of the presentation in local and your time. Many people are confused and do not understand how to count temporary zones. For this, we have made you a special picture where you can find your cities and the start time of this WWDC 2019 conference.

So, here is the date and time of the conference. Usually the conference lasts about 2 hours, so you can see iOS 13 release date timeline here:

The official list of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models that will be able to upgrade to iOS 13 will be known directly at the WWDC 2019 conference during the presentation of the firmware. We know that this will happen on June 3 of this year at 10 am PST.

Apple is always careful about updates. The company tries to support old models for at least 5 years, so those who bought iPhones not many years ago can be confident that the new iOS 13 will support their devices. Those who own iPhones, which are released more than 5 years ago, can save money for a new iPhone 11 or remain on the current iOS 12.You can read more about this here: iOS 13 supported devices.