How to Download New macOS Big Sur 11 Torrent Download Links

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Here you can find few macOS Big Sur 11 torrent and direct download links for all macOS Big Sur 11 supported Macs. Apple has announced that it will host WWDC 2020 even despite the coronavirus epidemic. Nevertheless, it will take place. this is the very event in an online format, for which the brand’s specialists are now engaged in creating special software so that the company’s employees can interact with ordinary users online, that is, via the Internet.

During the upcoming event, the company will announce many new products, including iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur 11, as well as new versions of the operating systems iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.

According to Apple senior Vice President of marketing Phil Schiller, due to the pandemic that has swept the world, the company decided not to cancel its annual event, but to hold it in a unique format over the Internet. At the same time, according to him, this event will be the largest in history, because the entire developer community will be able to participate in it, and it now has more than 23 million people.

At the same time, the exhibition will be held for a whole week, which, in turn, will allow everyone to take part in it and communicate with Apple specialists, learning from them about certain features of a new product created by the company over the past year. All authorized developers can participate in the event.

Becoming such a developer is easy, because you just need to install a special app called Apple Developer on your smartphone, or visit a site with the appropriate name. After that, you need to fill out a special form and pay an initial fee of $100 for one year. After that, the user will remain a developer for a whole year, which will give them access to all beta versions of new operating systems and other products of Apple Corporation.

How to Download macOS Big Sur 11 on all supported Macs Torrent Links:

Step 1: Download macOS Big Sur torrent link

Step 2: Unzip Zip file and run uTorrent client

Step 3: Download macOS Big Sur file

Step 4: Install

Step 5: Now you can try macOS Big Sur 11