NO JAILBREAK iOS 12 – Amazing. Today you can see this complete guide how to download Youtube music on iPhone without computer for free. It’s legal way to download and listen music via Youtube music collection.
It’s hard to estimate how much space music takes in our lives. Even if you do not specifically want to listen to it, it is still somewhere nearby: shops, underground, schools, buses. People in huge headphones that spread music waves 3 meters ahead and behind you. Yes, really, our day often begins with music: we are awakened by a favorite melody on the alarm clock or a trance example from Armin song, when neighbors decide to organize a musical marathon early in the morning.
Today you can see how to download your favorite melody from Youtube to your iPhone and iPad running on new iOS 12 without computer, special home pages. No Jailbreak.
1. Go Youtube+
2. Find you favorite melody on Youtube
3. Tab on the button at the top right
4. Tab “Download”
5. Select “Audio”
6. Done.
Watch complete guide how to download Youtube music on iPhone without computer for free now on video:
Conditions for the assignment:
– Download iOS 12 > last version here
– Download Tutuapp > here