Hong Kong Apple Store to Begin Employee Training (continually updated)


So you know that Apple Store in the Hong Kong IFC building we are all excited about? We have word that the employee training will be commencing in 3 weeks in Shanghai. 300+ employees and mentors from around the world will be there to make sure this flagship store launch is successful and full of energy.

The first week of the training will be something called “Market Core”. What is that? Read on!

What exactly does Apple training mean? Well, Apple training is a five day core course for all employees, and depending on specialty you may receive more training. The first part of this series focuses on the core training. During these five days, you learn about the company, the customer experience and get some basic technical training. You also get to learn about how important Apple culture is, and how to use the Apple systems. Below are some photos of Apple training books which we found them from Sina Microblog (China’s largest Twitter-like service), and we think these pictures could show you what you can expect from training.

Perhaps this is the book that employees will be sticking to for the five day course of the training. Version 3.4… Awesome.

On the first day of the course, you will learn about history and how Apple operates. You also learn where you fit in Apple.

Next, the second day, you learn about how Apple does business, how to interact with customers and Apple’s no nonsense policy on intellectual property. On the third day, you learn about providing what Apple calls “the complete solution”. That is when you find out everything the customer needs. Super cool!

The fourth day you learn about inventory and Apple services, and get some technical training. And finally, the fifth day is a summary of the training and explaining how to access Apple systems.

So, we know what the Apple employees have to learn before they could serve the customers, and we are so excited to be able to share this with you! Since the Hong Kong Apple store will be opening in early September, we will keep you updated with all first news we can find on the world wide web!