iOS 10 Rumors: GuestMode on iPhone, iPad

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Sometimes we want enable Guest Mode on our iPhone or iPad.

If you have kind, you understand me why i want enable GuestMode on my iPhone. Sometimes when I take me iPhone for my child, after that I see not very nice view. My iPhone don’t have some icons, notes or i can see new received messages from unknown sender. Why? It’s my child. 🙂 Do you understand me? Yep…

What I want to see in iOS 10 Guest Mode:

*Guest button on Lockscreen keypad
*Swipe left on Lockscreen
*Swipe right past passcode on Lockscreen
*Guest Passcode
*Activator gesture at Lockscreen

We understand that if Apple will be iOS 10 GuestMode for iPad or iPhone, it will be not general reason why I want install new iOS 10.