iOS 10 Safari Browser + 3D Touch

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iOS 10 3D Touch and Safari Browser’s features and updates.

iOS 10 3D Touch features:

We know that iPad Pro don’t have 3D Touch technology. It looks very strange. Some people are skeptical about the emergence of this function in your iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, so accustomed to the beneficial properties of 3D Touch, which continues to make strong habit of clicking on the screen iPad Pro.

This technology can be used while editing text. Excessive pressure on the area of ​​the keyboard iPhone 6s is incredibly useful virtual trackpad. To enable it to iPad Pro is required to use two fingers already. This is not as convenient and intuitive, as in the case of 3D Touch.

Safari on iOS 10 devices:

Safari on iPad Pro disappointing. The browser has received no improvements and upgrades to the new “professional” tablet. You do not have the possibility to open the two tabs at the same time next to each other. This technique may be useful when comparison characteristics or searching information.

In Safari, still no download manager. You could not download the MP3-file from SoundCloud and add it to your music library. Instead, you must download the file to your Mac, add it to your library in iTunes and iCloud. Browser extensions allow you to save music files in Dropbox, but the Mac is still needed to import the file into iTunes and iCloud.