iPhone 100 Release Date, Rumors, Updates.

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Hi guys. Today we want to tell you more about future. Our new post named iPhone 100 Release Date, Rumors, Updates has updates about futured smartphones and tablets via Apple, Google, Xiaomi, Samsung. It’s very interesting which companies will be release new products in 2020-2030 year.

Characteristics of smartphones, which we will keep in the hands of five years, is fairly easy to predict. for example iPhone 8 or iPhone 9. It is more difficult to guess which of the emerging “technologies of the future” will capture the minds of gadget producers: connection-5G networks MPE graphene body, full charge in 30 seconds or folding into a tube screens. We know that Apple has bif plans to make revolutionary products + Google released their new first smartphone on Android. It’s mean that such two giants of technology have their plans to the future.

Normal smartphone (maybe iPhone 10) can be turned into a full-fledged computer, setting it on the docking station and connecting the necessary peripherals – monitor, mouse and keyboard. One of the first practical implementation of the approach of “one for all” thought Canonical company, which in early 2013 announced a mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system.


“Relief” displays – another feature that can be ordinary for the near future smartphones. The technology will not only see but also touch interface elements, as if protruding above the surface of the glass, to feel the boundaries of icons, buttons on the home screen, etc. Own developments in this area have the largest IT-companies, including Apple, Microsoft and Nokia.

to be continued…