iPhone 8 Ship Date USA, BestBuy, Target, Wallmart.

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iPhone 8 Ship date in USA incl. in BestBuy, Target, Wallmart is awaited dates after iPhone 8 Price in usa and First release day. We know that Apple will be released their new smartphone and phablet in September. Some rumors leaked that official iPhone 8 keynote will be in first week of September. It’s mean that new smartphone with new features and special Jet White color will be released in such month.

If design of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will not very different from its predecessors like iPhone 7 / 7S, the inside will be a very big change. Firstly, this body – he will lost lighting connector (some rumors confirmed this). Secondly, the new chip A11 Fusion 40% faster than its predecessor, while consuming 40% less energy. The size and display resolution has not changed, but it became 25% brighter and now covers the full spectrum of RGB gamut. But – general new feature will be battery lifetime. We know that iPhone 7 hasn’t cool battery lifetime, but new iPhone 8 will be cool 2-days battery lifetime. If it will be true, it will be the best smartphone in Apple history.

iPhone 8 Ship Date USA – At&t, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile:

iPhone Model: Color: 32GB 128GB 256GB
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iPhone 8 Jet White 17-Sep 17-Sep
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iPhone 8 Plus Jet White 17-Sep 17-Sep