Jailbreak 9.3 via Pangu9 spreads on the web? Cydia Jailbreak 9.3 (incl. iOS 9.2.1) works perfect on iPhone 6s Plus, 6s, 6, 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, iPad Air 2, iPod Touch.
Four days ago I find some home pages named “Cydia Jailbreak iOS 9.3”. Home pages owners leaked information that it’s 100% official jailbreak download links for all iOS 9 supported devices. He claims that if you want download and make jb, you must sign in on their home page. It’s not for free. Registration price: $29.95 & $39.95.
One of scammers.
OK. When i paid $29.95, i was hoping to see Jailbreak 9.3 public or 9.2.1 final utility, but … i saw … Jailbreak is the process that allows iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users to gain root access to the command line of the iOS system, which will naturally remove any limitations imposed by Apple, and it will install Cydia application on the device.
In simpler terms jail breaking your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch enable you to download additional applications, extensions, and themes that are unavailable through the official App Store, but at the same time with your jailbroken device running iOS you can still use the App Store, iTunes, and other normal functions, such as making telephone calls and sending messages. Jailbreaking iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is safe, legal in the United States, and 100% reversible.
Last jailbroken version iOS 9.0.2.
WT.. It’s not access to jailbreak iOS 9.3, but only Premium Member Access to home page… 🙁
I write this message for all who want to make iOS 9.3 public or iOS 9.2.1 final version. Don’t believe… Pangu9 not working on iOS 9.3, 9.2.1 or 9.2…