This Time, Apple’s FaceTime Got Sued!

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A Taiwinese Taiwanese man recently filed a lawsuit against Apple for allegedly infringing his technology patent that he claimed is used on Apple’s FaceTime. The Intermediate People’s Court in Zhenjiang has confirmed that they had accepted the case on July 31, and they had already notified Apple, but Apple has yet to response.

The Taiwinese Taiwanese man, who named Lee, claimed to hold a patent on “voice network personal digital assistant” technology. Lee said he discovered Apple has violated his patent after using the FaceTime function on an iPhone 4S that he recently purchased in Zheijiang. At the moment, Lee did not disclosed the amount of compensation that he is seeking from Apple, but demanding the california-based company to stop violation. The first hearing will be held next month.

According to the representative lawyer of Lee:

Lee is a technian of a Taiwanese tech company, he needed to travel aboard to various cities for work, therefore he always made international call to his company, parents and friends. Due to this reason, Lee was inspired and came up with an idea of implementing internet call feature on phones. Subsequently, he applied a patent for this idea in 2003.

At that time, the patent was belonged to the company that Lee was working for. However, the company has transfered the patent under his name subsequently. Therefore, the patent is entirely owned by Lee now.

This is the 4th ongoing lawsuit that Apple has encountered in China. Apple is also facing lawsuits from Jiangsu Xuebao (Chinese Household Chemical Company) over the Chinese name of Snow Leopard, a Shanghai-based voice assistant developer Zhizhen Network Technology over the patent of Siri, and another Siri’s patent infringement lawsuit from Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University (NCKU).

Source: QQ Tech