By looking at these photos, we can see that many Chinese jobseekers want those jobs at Foxconn. Apparently, the Foxconn plant in Chengdu is hiring now for summer jobs – and according to our sources, the plant is hiring a large number of summer workers, which may still have openings. What’s more, the young jobseekers are required to submit a registration fee of 150 Chinese yuan (about $24) before he/she could apply for the summer job. And there’s a requirement for applying the job, you need to have good eyesight.

So, despite reports detailing the mistreatment of factory workers assembling Apple products in China, there’s still a huge demand for jobs at the Foxconn factory. There’s actually thousands of hopefuls lining up for Foxconn jobs as the Chengdu and Zhengzhou plants ramp up the iPad mini and next generation of iPhone production respectively.