Where will be the best place in China to buy iPhone 6s?

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iPhone 6s coming soon. Where will be the best place in China to buy iPhone 6s? It’s very interesting, but sometimes China’s grey market is better than some China’s vendors. Why?

Normally we don’t have a chance to tell you what is it actually like to purchase fake iPhones at the kirf markets of China. But recently someone managed to capture a video showing us how is it like to buy an iPhone 5 knockoff from Chinese vendors in Shenyang!!! yes, yes. This Is How Chinese Vendors Sell The Fake iPhone (video).

The vendor is a girl, and she seemed to be very familiar with the features, and she was even unboxing the fake iPhone 5 to excite the customer. Watch the video after the jump.

If you want to buy authentic iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus – buy new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus in Apple Store!

>>> Fake Apple Stores in China (photos) <<<